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For some, green hotels might still seem like an oxymoron.  After all, hotels are often venues of luxurious amenities, lavish opulence, and well, sometimes pampered excesses too.  Naturally, we’ve come to expect a lot from hotels–specifically high living which we don’t normally get from our own homes.  With all that expectation going, “green” does seem a bit out of place in a hotel’s lavish guest room.

The Rosedale Hotel Kowloon in Hong Kong, Asian hospitality with green sensibilities

Which is why when a hotel in one of the most populous places in the world touts itself as the country’s first ever green hotel, we’re apt to take a second, inquisitive look.

The latest branch in the Rosedale Hotel chain, Rosedale Hotel Kowloon in Hong Kong is all about the very best of Asian hospitality, albeit pleasantly imbued with green sensibilities.  The 30-storey building located at 86 Tai Kok Tsui Road, Kowloon, has recently achieved the LEED Gold NC rating with 64 points, making it the country’s first ever LEED certified hotel.  In the bustling city of Kowloon where construction standards are very high, this feat of greenness is no easy task.  But that’s where LEED consultancy firm BEE Incorporated came in.

Green Hotels in Asia Ever Since 

Green hotels in Asia are by no means a new trend.  As early as 2000, the Heritance Kandalama Hotel in Sri Lanka became the first ever LEED-certified hotel in the world, inspiring other hotels to go green too.  The InterContinental Hotels Group, in particular, has been adopting its very own environment-friendly policies under their “Green Engage” scheme since 2009.

Elsewhere, small inns and lodges all over the U.S. have formed their own alliance of green hotels too, proud in their environment-friendliness which guests have come to appreciate.

It’s easy enough for small-time family-owned hotels to turn their humble businesses as green as they want (They’re managing relatively small spaces anyway).  But for the really big hotel chains encompassing thousands of square feet, it’s a delicate balance: pleasing the guests while getting the approval of the stockholders as well.

Back to Rosedale Hotel Kowloon

Opened in July 2012, Rosedale Hotel Kowloon has proudly incorporated an eco-minded approach from the design to the build, and of course, during operations.

Cheena dining lounge in Rosedale Hotel Kowloon

For the planning/design stage, BEE Inc. considered several factors regarding the indoor space, particularly Air Quality Control, Heat Control, and Water Saving.  As a result, ventilation is 30{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} well above the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007, which combined with the low-VOC materials used, improve air quality considerably.

Natural daylight was also important.  Through strategic planning, as much as 97{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} of the hotel’s regularly occupied areas adequately receive natural daylight, and have a direct line of sight to the outdoor environment.

To combat “heat island effect”, the parking lot was situated underground.  Meanwhile, water-saving fixtures and a green roof planted with local plant species have helped reduce 40{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} water use and minimize stormwater runoff respectively.  The green roof provides a refreshing, relaxing view for the guests as well.

Site selection was of utmost importance.  Thankfully, Rosedale Hotel Kowloon is lucky enough to be located in a dense community teeming with malls, shops, restaurants, parks, night markets, museums, and other tourist spots that are easily accessible via public transportation.

During construction, high recycled content materials were used.  Additionally, over 30{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} of the materials came from within 500 miles, cutting back on carbon footprint from transportation while supporting the regional economy too.

Then comes the hotel’s operation, perhaps the most important aspect because ongoing operation involves full commitment.  With the installation of various water-saving and energy-saving features, as well as efficient HVACR’s, carbon dioxide sensors, individual lighting controls and thermal controls, day-to-day operation of the Rosedale Hotel Kowloon is assuredly at its greenest.

Even the menu served at the hotel’s Cheena dining area is made from the freshest, local produce, especially prepared to be as health-conscious as possible.

Finally, all these green efforts are communicated to the guests and the public to encourage everyone about the green movement.

Yes, the LEED Gold rating has already been attained, the hotel is not about to rest on its laurels.  With barely a year into operations, there’s still a lot the Rosedale Hotel Kowloon has to prove in the long run and inspire along the way.

For having paved the way for green hotels in Asia, the Rosedale Hotel Kowloon and BEE Inc. are certainly worthy of our congratulations.

* Rosedale Hotel Kowloon is located at 86 Tai Kok Tsui Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Sources for Green Hotels in Asia:


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