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A progressive new waste disposal program has finally been implemented in Shanghai, China after months of education and training programs across the city. Yet it it will probably be the fines that will really educate the people on how they need to depose of their trash with fines of up to ¥200 ($29) for residential non-sorters and businesses potentially facing fines of up to ¥50,000 ($7,282). Other aspects that have Shanghai Residents running to their bins are; they can only dispose of waste during certain hours, and food waste can not be in disposed  of in plastic bags, etc… all ensuring a fast education process and that closer community spirit as everybody sees who is or isn’t sorting properly, also what they had for dinner last night. Following Shanghai, the local governments in another 45 cities across the Chinese mainland will introduce similar programs, including Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. With urban China being a fast growing waste producer, we look forward to seeing the direct and in-direct impact this will have on the overall environment.


Mark Bawtree

Mark is the Business Development Director of BEE Incorporations and plays an account management role at the firm. Coming from a background in renewable energy technology, Mark has abundant experience and knowledge in sales and marketing of green products and sustainability services.

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