Eco-Wrapping: Sustainable, Green Packaging

neoli9 August 2012
ទំហំសរុប: 27,243
ទីតាំង: Beijing, China
Certification System: LEED v2009 NC
កម្រិតវិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រ: LEED Certified
BEE provided energy modeling services for Robarts Interiors & Architecture in a project for United Family Hospital’s new, state-of-the-art facility in Beijing. This four story facility has a fuel boiler used for heating in winter, a VRV system, a HRV fresh air system, and an air cooled chiller – all working in unison to guarantee indoor comfort for wards and operating rooms. BEE analyzed energy efficiency strategies for the hospital and simulation submissions for LEED accreditation. We a proud to announce that United Family Hospital has been granted LEED NC.
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