Interview Uncategorized @km interviews BEE Director about China’s current state of the green building market; read the article here.Alessandro7 March 2019
USGBC Interview Uncategorized @km USGBC InterviewAlessandro Bisagni is interviewed by the USGBC for his upcoming speech at Greenbuild. Read the article.Alessandro7 March 2019 credit Uncategorized @km creditBEE was credited by for our work on the Haworth Beijing Showroom.Alessandro7 March 2019
New GUCCI Flagship Store Uncategorized @km New GUCCI Flagship StoreBEE has been commissioned assist in the design and LEED Gold certification for the new GUCCI flagship store in Shanghai!Alessandro7 March 2019
Rosedale TKT project awarded LEED Gold certification Uncategorized @km Rosedale TKT project awarded LEED Gold certificationOur Rosedale TKT project in Hong Kong BEE has been awarded LEED Gold certification!Alessandro6 March 2019
HK BEAM Plus Certification Uncategorized @km HK BEAM Plus CertificationBEE has been commissioned`fication and also HK BEAM Plus Certification, both aiming for a Gold target!Alessandro6 March 2019
Asia Pacific Housing Journal Feature Uncategorized @km Asia Pacific Housing Journal FeatureThe Asia Pacific Housing Journal writes an article about naked Retreats and LEED Certification .Alessandro6 March 2019
China Business Review Uncategorized @km China Business ReviewBEE gets featured in the latest edition of the China Business Review in an article exploring the sharp rise in green buildings in China. A great read!Alessandro6 March 2019
Sustainability Asia Pacific Feature Uncategorized @km Sustainability Asia Pacific FeatureAlessandro Bisagni was featured in the latest edition of CBRE’s publication Sustainability Asia Pacific discussing the work BEE is doing in the green hotel industry. Download the entire publication!Alessandro6 March 2019
BEE has joined Twitter!! Uncategorized @km BEE has joined Twitter!!BEE has joined Twitter!! Please come and follow us.Alessandro6 March 2019