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You might be reading this because you have decided to make a change and live more sustainably. While food trends come and go, there is always an opportunity to thank the environment for providing us with all of the delicious plants, meat, herbs, and spices we consume.

No matter which way you decide to eat, there is a bigger issue we must remember – and that is the toll our eating habits take on the environment. Food production affects the environment in serious ways, having an impact on climate change and habitat destruction. Knowing ways to eat sustainably will ultimately be a positive choice for both your health and the environment.

How Eating Sustainably Can Help Your Health

The main value in almost any diet is to avoid intaking loads of processed foods, which are linked to many autoimmune diseases and health conditions. Turning to whole, sustainable foods will dramatically reduce an individual’s consumption of sodium, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Since many people eating processed foods face weight gain and feeling fatigued throughout the day, individuals turning to foods from the Earth can consequently lose weight. In the long term, this may help a person to avoid diabetes, cancer, and even allergies. Eating sustainable meats, fruits, and vegetables can also help sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as eating less dairy, which is usually a cause of indigestion and stomach pain, should help relieve the symptoms. These types of dietary choices are a staple of the paleo diet, which is one of the known diets to help people gain more muscle and lose unneeded fat.

Sustainable Ways to Maintain Your Diet

While eating less processed foods will help our health, it will also help us give back to the environment. After all, the Earth is the source of our well-being, and finding ways to utilize its sources in a mindful way is crucial to our avoidance of sickness and the verdure of the environment.

The best way to eat sustainably on any diet is to eat locally and seasonally, which will support local farmers, plant diversity, and the freshness of your diet. Prioritizing fruits and vegetables will reduce deforestation and freshwater withdrawals, and doing so is said to help prevent cancer, and to lower high blood pressure and blood sugar. Choosing foods that are organic is also good for the environment, as organically-grown food is produced with less potential harm and exploitation on the workers and the land.

Making small adjustments to eat more sustainably can have a great effect on the environment over time. Eating can always be done in an environmentally-friendly way, leading to positive benefits for both your body and the world around you.


Alessandro is the Founder & President of BEE Incorporations. He is a LEED, WELL, and RESET AP, a BEAM Pro, and an Associate Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. He is a leader and expert in the green building and sustainability industry in Asia, with worldwide project experience.

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