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In this edition, three office employees confide to us their biggest gripes in the workplace.  One of them can’t use the stairs, one can’t make it out of the office bathroom alive, and one simply wants to eat her quinoa in peace.


You Say Elevator, I Say Stairs

Stairs win hands down.

Stairs win hands down.

Help, my building prohibits me from using the stairs.  I was told by the security personnel that they’re for emergency use only, and there’s the elevator anyway.  I’m a new hire, and want to stay long at this job, but how do I complain to my boss without sounding like I’m too fussy or overacting?



Relax, you’re neither overacting nor being fussy.  It’s fine to admit that your life and sanity depend on taking the stairs.  Elevators are so boring!  Maybe the security guards just don’t want you losing your breath as you trudge your way up to the 23rd floor, so they’re suggesting the elevators instead.  But if you can manage the steps and still look graceful and stylish at the end, why not?

Experts have already confirmed the health risks of all-day sitting in our desk-based jobs, so a daily hike up and down the stairs is always welcome.  Besides, you’re also doing the building a favor by saving electricity.  If they’re so concerned about safety, have them install cameras and brighter lights and non-skid tread.  For your part, while you’re using the stairs, refrain from littering, smoking, vandalizing, or doing anything illegal.  Crying at the stairwell, for those times you feel blue, is perfectly okay however.


When Clean Becomes Too Toxic

I think our bathrooms are too clean to the point of being toxic.  Whenever I walk in, my eyes immediately start to sting, and the air is such a pain to breathe.  It’s too much bleach and whatever disinfectant the janitors are using.  Problem is, no one else in the office seems to mind.



No doubt the glorious cleaning tandem of baking soda and vinegar is the safer and more environmentally-responsible choice, but it’s just not something housekeeping agencies tend to rely on.  They can’t let sudden breakouts of diseases and infection be a cause for lawsuits just because they went natural and eco-friendly.  Chlorine bleach has always been a better disinfectant, although, of course, that’s not an excuse.  Chlorine bleach can pose a health hazard especially to the lungs, pollute our waters, and, when mixed with ammonia found in other cleaning solutions, can create toxic fumes—which is probably why it’s so painful to enter the bathroom.

Cleaning the bathroom doesn't have to be a chemical warfare (Image from

Cleaning the bathroom doesn’t have to be a chemical warfare (Image from


Fortunately, there’s a whole lot of safe and green cleaning products nowadays both for homes and industrial use.  Some agencies actually pride themselves for their eco-friendly cleaning services.  So have a talk with the cleaning staff and tell them your beef.   For sure they’re willing to listen and be more than happy to adjust.  They might just be thinking they’re doing everyone a favor by keeping everything clean and disinfected, but tell them they don’t have to max out all the cleaning agents at their disposal.  And if they could do a little research on safer and less-toxic cleaning solutions and try those, then perfect!

Today’s Menu Sucks

Guilty pleasures at the office cafeteria (Image from

Guilty pleasures at the office cafeteria (Image from

I’ve been trying to eat healthy these days, but that’s not possible because the fare they serve at our office cafeteria are all the same sugary, salty, deep-fried, heavily-processed, comfort-food junk.



It’s fine if they serve those, but you could ask if they can also offer healthier alternatives.  If they can have doughnuts and ice cream sandwiches and pizzas and onion rings, they should also include salads, and turkey sandwiches, and plain old bananas.

The truth is, no matter how many science-based studies are published about the proper foods to eat, the majority of people will still gravitate to comfort food because well, sugar and salt are naturally addictive.  And food concessionaires have to make money as well, so they’re simply serving what everyone wants anyway.  Still, a good mix of comfort food and healthy grub can mean more options to choose from.  And generally, when given the choice people will choose the healthier option.  Just look at Google’s own cafeteria.

The thing is, you really can’t force people to change their diet, just as you wouldn’t want them imposing their diet on you.  If choosing from the menu really becomes a guessing game, you could just pack your own lunch and snack (bonus points if you’re using reusable food containers), and have all the control you want.  Want more advice?  Food blogs offer tons of recipes for sumptuous fritatas, granola bars, and hearty sandwiches you can make in a jiffy.  Who knows, with your healthy packed lunch, you might just actually inspire your colleague at the diner.


Have a beef of your own at your workplace?  Tell us about it!

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