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Recent studies show that demand for eco-friendly homes are on a sharp rise in America. The US market for green single-family homes has risen 17{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} or $17 billion in 2011 with projected growth as high as 38{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} or $87 to $114 billion growth within the next 4 years. Construction firms are also expecting to carry out 65{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} of their projects in a “green” manner by next year, which is significant if you consider that in 2009 only 22{e3829ec1db02d54faaf9fa2de0d48db26af01d7a7944a63c3b26976124791cab} of firms incorporated such green practices. The factors pushing this surge in “green” demand have been volatile energy costs in conjunction with consumers attributing green construction with high quality. More costumers are willing to pay premiums for such eco-friendly features as benefits of green building practices are becoming more widely understood. It’s only a matter of time before the majority of the world follows suite. 

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